Ideal Way to Appreciate Your Guests


You are planning an event and inviting out-of-town guests. In today’s environment where we have established friendships and kept it touch using social media, we are bound to have friends and family all over the globe.

Of course, while planning your event, one of the things that will definitely be top of mind is ensuring your guests who have come from afar know how much their effort is appreciated. We have even offered some tips in our blog “Making Your Guests Feel at Home.”

Something that you can definitely do to help defray your guests’ lodging costs is to establish hotel room blocks with discounted rates. Ideally you would want to have a block at a low, medium and higher end hotel to give your guests some options. 

But, let’s face it. This takes a little bit of effort and expertise. Do you have time to research which hotels are most convenient for your venue? Do you know who you should speak with and what to ask for? Do you have time to follow-up with hotels that don’t return phone calls?....Probably not!

Guess what?!!! Your favorite planner (OK, that’s me 😊) can take this off your plate. We offer room block arrangements as a complimentary, no-strings-attached service. That’s right, there’s no sales pitch. 

Yes, I know this sounds too good to be true; but, it’s not a joke. Have an event and need some hotel room blocks? Contact me.

Chamel Evans